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Annals of Emergency Medicine

Audio and Podcasting Archives

The Bottom Line

This site has been built to create a compendium of all the landmark papers which are shaping the way we manage our critically ill patients. Each paper has been summarised and critiqued using a standard template and ends with a 'bottom line' paragraph to allow a quick reminder of the key points.

Emergency Medicine Journal Jams

Journal Jam is the EM Cases podcast that brings together leading EM researchers, EM educators and EM clinicians from around the world to discuss practice-changing EM articles; with your hosts Anton Helman & Teresa Chan. Together, we’re smarter!

EM Ottawa – Emergency Medicine Ottawa

This is the official blog for the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Our main goal is to share the results of our monthly Journal Club for people to view and for our staff/residents to have as a resource if the need arises to review the content. The scores and analysis of each article are derived from an initial critical review of the literature by a single reviewer, followed by a group discussion.

KeyLIME - Key Literature in Medical Education

Bringing the main points of a medical education article in a 20 minute podcast.

"Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME) is a bi-weekly podcast produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Articles that are important, innovative, or will impact your educational practice are discussed."

Prehospital Evidence Based Practice (PEP)

The Prehospital Evidence Based Practice (PEP) PEP is a collaborative effort of Canadian and international EMS Clinicians (paramedics, physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals). PEP is sponsored and managed by the Dalhousie University Department of Emergency Medicine Division of EMS, and Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia

Research & Reviews in the Fastlane

Research and Reviews in the FastLane: where experts worldwide tell us what they think is worth reading from the emergency medicine and critical care literature.

The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine

The Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine (SGEM) is a knowledge translation (KT) project. The goal of the SGEM is to shorten the KT window from over ten years down to less than one year. It does this by turning traditional medical education on its head.

UCLA Prehospital Care and Research Forum

"The Prehospital Care Research Forum is dedicated to fostering and improving research in EMS. Below you will find select podcasts discussing current research that affects EMS. These podcasts are meant to review methodology and applicability to prehospital care, promote healthy and respectful discussions, and inspire new research."