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PCP Manual Defibrillation

Question# 717

As a PCP in my service for Medical cardiac arrest i am required to utalize the Analyze button on our monitor instead of manual interpretation. When asking my service why they state the BH doesnt want it, when asking at BH CME's im informed my service does not want it. I am slightly confused as to why as a PCP i can interpret a 12-Lead ECG, Dx a STEMI, bypass multiple ERs and go directly to OHI with no consulting of a physician or ACP but i am not allowed to differentiate VTac or Vfib from a Non-shockable rythems. Is there any considerations in the future to allow PCP's in Ottawa to use Manual Defib.


Paramedics, especially PCPs, are exponentially increasing their knowledge, skills, and abilities as paramedicine evolves and evidence builds. RPPEO gets this question often, why don't we allow PCPs to provide manual defibrillation? And we understand the frustration as it is evidence based and good practice. Ultimately, the RPPEO needs to prioritize the little time we have in the classroom with paramedics. We value all of our paramedics, and we believe that we have some of the strongest paramedics in the province! Adding this skill will only further strengthen that.

RPPEO supports the training of PCPs to perform manual defibrillation. The rate limiting step unfortunately comes down to training time. As you can appreciate, paramedics are constantly being asked to do more with less.

The Ministry and OBHG believe the delivery of this training should be an in-person training session, which is a position that we agree with. The MOH mandated the base hospitals teach the core directives for the ALS PCS v 5.1 last Fall, and Treat and Discharge this Spring, which were the only in-person CMEs since COVID. RPPEO is committed to prioritize PCP manual defib as an authorized skill at our next training availability (possibly Fall CME 2024).

We agree that this is a priority, and we’re hoping to partner with the paramedic services in the near future to provide the training and, ultimately authorize PCPs to perform manual defibrillation, similar to the PCP AIV program.



17 July 2023

ALSPCS Version




Please reference the MOST RECENT ALS PCS for updates and changes to these directives.