STEMI Bypass and Patient Contact Time
Question# 866
We have had some debate regarding STEMI bypass. We are looking for clarification of pt contact. Question is, when you have a PRU attending and are first on scene, are we using their pt contact time or the transporting crews pt contact time.
Ultimately all bypasses are regulated through your paramedic service and the local and specialized hospitals that you transport to. While provincial bypasses exist, some paramedic services have opted to create local amendments based on geographical landscape limitations and patient populations that they serve. These tailored patient priority system (PPS) agreements are used in addition to the provincial guidelines.
Your paramedic service is the best authority regarding the local nuances of facilities and bypasses in your region, therefore, you will need to communicate with your service for more information about the STEMI bypass agreement specific to your area.
Some key things to remember are:0
Your paramedic service is the best authority regarding the local nuances of facilities and bypasses in your region, therefore, you will need to communicate with your service for more information about the STEMI bypass agreement specific to your area.
Some key things to remember are:0
- The goal for time to 12-lead ECG should be less than 10 minutes where possible (as per the ALS PCS), and
- You do in fact require a STEMI+ 12-lead to transport to a PCI center (or equivalent)
29 January 2025
ALSPCS Version
Please reference the MOST RECENT ALS PCS for updates and changes to these directives.